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Training of Trainers in the Commercial Justice area

Today on November 24 2020, Academy of Justice in cooperation with the USAID Commercial Justice Project, implemented by Checchi & Company Consulting Inc., started with the first session of the Training of Trainers on the Commercial Justice area.

This training is a result of the research and training needs assessment conducted in this area, and a result of undergoing processes, like establishment of the Commercial Court in Kosovo.

Purpose of this training is to create a qualified and professionalized team of trainers in the commercial justice, draft a comprehensive curriculum of the commercial justice training, improve and harmonize the national and international legislation in the commercial aspect, etc.

The first training session will be delivered in four days and it will initially discuss main issues of the training like: The Training methodology; Training techniques and structure; Designing SMART objectives; Legal reasoning, etc.

On the III and IV day of the training two commercial judges from Germany will join and will share their practices and training experiences, particularly in the area of Lecturing skills, as well as practical aspects of Insolvency.

Training of Trainers in Commercial Justice area is expected to have three training sessions of four-days durations, and beneficiaries of this training are the 18 selected candidates from the recruitment process that the Academy of Justice has preliminarily conducted.

The training is being interactive between the trainers and participants.

Due to the situation created from COVID-19 pandemic, the training is being held online in the Zoom platform.

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