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TAIEX video conference on establishing cooperation between Kosovo and Eurojust

December 3-4 2020, Academy of Justice participated in the vide-conference organized by TAIEX in cooperation with Eurojust related to establishing cooperation Eurojust-Kosovo.

Purpose of this seminar that was conducted online, was to explain the features of cooperation with Eurojust and establishing initial contacts between EUMS, Eurojust and Kosovo authorities.

It treated various topics like the international legal cooperation, money laundering, cybercrime and terrorism. 

Kosovo in this conference was represented by a wide range of stakeholders of the justice system and by institutions responsible for international legal cooperation.

At the conference participated Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kosovo Mr. Selim Selimi, Director of the International Legal Cooperation Department within the MJ, Executive Director of the Academy of Justice Mr. Enver Fejzullahu, as well as national contact points in State prosecution offices in charge for ILC.

Topics that were covered more thoroughly, always focusing on ways of international legal cooperation and with Eurojust were: Role of Eurojust in the fight against cross-border crimes; Cooperation between Eurojust and third countries; Cooperation between Eurojust and Western Balkan Countries; Presentation of Kosovo and its framework for legal cooperation - that was delivered by Mr. Gazmend Çitaku, Director of the International Legal Cooperation Department within the Ministry of Justice. 

Second day continued with the following topics: description of the ways how it works in practice to use tools from the Network of Joint Investigation Teams in cooperation with Eurojust; Presentation of the strategic work of Eurojust made by the working group on anti-terrorism and cybercrime issues, a network that is supported by EJCN and protection of personal data in Eurojust. 

The conference concluded with various discussions by all the participants who also raised questions related to Eurojust functioning and establishing the contact points with third countries of Western Balkans, organization of trainings for capacity increase, appointment of contact points and reaching agreements between Kosovo and Eurojust, improving the fight against cross-border crimes, and exploring potential forms of cooperation between Kosovo and Eurojust.

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