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Training of Trainers in the Commercial Justice area – Session II

January 25 2021, Academy of Justice in Cooperation with Checchi&Company Consulting Inc., as implementer of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Commercial Justice Project, continued carrying out the second session of the Training of Trainers in the Commercial Justice area.

As it has been previously stated, this training is a result of research and training needs identification process for this area, and a result of the legal processes that are taking place, like establishment of the Commercial Court in Kosovo.


Similar to Session I, this session will last four days, which will initially discuss on the assignments and the draft-modules prepared by the candidates of the previous session, as well as discuss on the case studies selected for the modules.


The second and third day of this training will focus on continuation of efforts for preparing the training curriculum, the training techniques, training time planning, active listening by the trainer, and the brainstorming.

The fourth day of this session, will focus on development of presentation skills, non-verbal communication between the trainers and participants, overcoming unfavorable situations during trainings, as well as summary pf discussions and recommendations deriving from the Second Training Session.

Due to the situation created by the COVID-19 pandemic, the second session is also taking place through the electronic platform Zoom


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