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Module: Trial practice – criminal (TPP)

On May 27, 2013, KJI in cooperation with USAID/EROL conducted a one-day training from the module on “Trial practice” in which a trial is simulated on a hypothetical case from the criminal field.
The purpose of this training was to establish the best practices in the organization of work, management of the hearings sessions and fair trial.
A case study was presented at this training dealing with a criminal offence of ordinary murder where the prosecutor and the defendant have reached the plea-bargaining agreement and the issue is raised in the court.

Participants shared the role of a judge, prosecutor and defense counsel and simulated the trial in this case. The prosecutor and the defense counsel presenting their arguments regarding the concrete case that the agreement is in conformity with the legal provisions concerning the judge and then the decision and what arguments support the decision to grant or not to grant agreement. 
During this simulation were highlighted also the admissible and inadmissible evidences as well as the arguments for the exclusion of evidence. 
Beneficiaries of this training were young judges from the Basic Courts from all regions of Kosovo. 

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