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Sub-module on Enforcement Procedure, third session; Topic: “Remedies, object and implementation of enforcement”

On May 5 2021, Academy of Justice within its Initial Training Program for the eighth generation of newly appointed judges, is conducting a theoretical training from the sub-module on the Enforcement Procedure, with trainer Mr. Isa Shala, Bailiff.

This topic is covering the following: Enforcement in immovable property, objects that are not subject to enforcement, exemption from enforcement, sale of seized items and mortgage as a special case of registered immovable property.

The training methodology is applying practical cases and elaborating different examples from practice. The training is being carried out physically at the Academy, respecting the protocol and the decision on preventive measures for the Covid-19. The training is also available online through the Zoom platform.  Beneficiaries of the training are 24 newly appointed judges, two of whom are from the Serb community.

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