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CTP Roundtable discussion- “Legal Instruments on Trafficking in Human Beings and International Cooperation”

From June 24 to June 27, KJI in cooperation with the EU-EC KMOM - MIA (Strengthening the fight against human trafficking and domestic violence) held a roundtable discussion on the abovementioned topic.
During this four-day workshop were addressed topics such as: the UN Convention against transnational organized crime, international treaties and the EU framework on human trafficking, international cooperation, Human trafficking cases, treatment of informants, surveillance activities of regional and cross-border police cooperation, interrogation techniques and financial investigation on human trafficking. On the fourth day of the training was conducted a mock trial in which all participants were involved. 
Beneficiaries if this roundtable were judges and prosecutors of basic level from all regions of Kosovo, police officers as well as employees from the Agency for Seizure and Confiscation of Property (MJ).

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