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Strengthening the International Legal Cooperation

On July 8-9, 2013, KJI in cooperation with the Twinning Project funded and managed by the European Union office in Kosovo conducted a two day training on the topic “Strengthening the International Legal Cooperation”.
The purpose of this training was to establish best practices in terms of international cooperation and joint discussions of the draft law on the amendment and supplementation of the Law no. 04/L-31 for International Legal Cooperation in Criminal Matters.
During the training were addressed the basic principles of international judicial cooperation, the practice of the new law for international judicial cooperation, extradition basic principles and fundamental principles of the transmission of the criminal proceedings and transfer of convicted persons. There were also addressed issues of Kosovo draft law on International Legal Cooperation, the European Arrest Warrant, Freezing Order, and the Order for seizure of property which operate directly between countries and facilitate the procedures.
On the second day participants had the opportunity through a practical case with an international element to demonstrate their knowledge regarding the steps to be taken for the implementation of the procedure. 
After the completion of the training participants appointed as contact persons for international legal cooperation issues held meetings to coordinate regional development and international legal cooperation.
The beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors who were appointed as focal points in matters of international legal cooperation.

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