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Initial Training Program

On 3rd July 2013, , at KJI building, in presence of the candidates and OSCE representatives is performed the public announcement of the Results from Preparatory Exam (written part) to the candidates of the fifth generation for ITP.

Based on exam rules, there were 83 of 93 candidates for potential judges that sat the written part and successfully passed the exam while, 45 of 52 candidates for potential prosecutors have passed the exam successfully. These candidates earned the right to sit the oral exam.

The oral exam was held on 5th and 10th July 2013  , at KJI building. On 5th July was held the exam of the candidates for potential  judges  and 82 of them sat the exam since, one of the candidates, even though registered  to sit the exam have stepped out for personal reasons. The oral exam of the candidates for potential prosecutors was held on 10th July and 45 candidates sat the exam. The process of the exam was secured by security guards at all the time.

On 16th July 2013, at KJI took place the ceremony in presence of the media, Mr. Fejzullah Hasanai –the Head of the Managing Board and Mr Lavdim Krasniqi –Director of KJI jointly announced the final results of the Preparatory Exam and the detailed report in relation to the drafting, administering, and evaluation process of the preparatory exam.

Based on Regulation for the Initial Training Program and Preparatory Exam, as well as on Procedure for Organization of the Preparatory Exam at the end of the entire process of organization of the Preparatory Exam the candidates that have not passed the exam have the right to submit their complaint within three (3) days period. Their complaints were reviewed by The KJI Program Council and the decision in regard to these complaints was taken in 5 days period. While, prior to the start of ITP trainings the list of the candidates for respective background check was sent to KJC and KPC.

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