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Staff Training: The Art of Proposal Writing and Effective Monitoring and Evaluation Plans

On 29-31 August 2013, KJI in cooperation with OSCE conducted a workshop for the KJI staff on subject: The Art of Proposal Writing and Effective Monitoring and Evaluation Plans.

The workshop was conducted in two parts: the first part treated the aspects of “The Art of Proposal Writing”, while the second part was focused on “Effective Monitoring and Evaluation Plans”.

The aim of the first part was to enhance the knowledge of the staff in: understanding the proposal, identification of the key parts of the proposal and fund searching, learning golden rules of writing a proposal, understanding of skills and steps using an idea to get funds from donator in funding such a project/idea. While, the second part treated the following subjects: management based on results, the reasons for evaluation and monitoring of the performance as an important process in measuring of the success or failure at obtaining donators support, as well as learning of  the techniques to build up a KJI monitoring and Evaluation System.

The workshop was conducted with inter-active discussions, analysis of the different examples and group working, resulting with compilation and presentation of the three concept proposals for fund researching.
Beneficiaries of this workshop: KJI staff.

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