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KJI Training capacity building on EU Law - Visit to the European Court of Justice – Luxembourg and to the Academy of European Law (ERA) in Trier

From March 10 to 15, 2013, as part of activities on international cooperation and development in order to promote training programs on European Law, a delegation composed of KJI trainers on the Law of the EU and the Program Coordinator of KJI, conducted a study visit to the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg and the Academy of European Law (ERA) in Trier, Germany. The visit was carried out in cooperation and support of the German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation (IRZ).

At the European Court of Justice, the delegation was welcomed by the Slovenian judges, Marko Ilesic, President of the Chamber of the Court, and Miro Prek judge of the General Court who informed the delegation about the work of the European Court of Justice, in particular the activities of the General Court. During the meeting it was discussed about the possibilities of the court to cooperate with KJI in the future in the realization of practical programs for judges, prosecutors and candidates for judges and prosecutors in Kosovo, regarding the case-law of the European Court of Justice.
During the visit, the delegation was informed also about; cases of judicial practice, the work of the General Advocate, Information and Communication Unit activities, court records and new rules of procedure, the administration of cases filed in court in physical and electronic form, as well as about the work of the Directorate of Documents and Research, tools for research and distribution of cases in the court.
On this occasion participants of this visit closely followed a hearing session on the case which has been appealed France / European Commission, and a hearing on the case referred to the Court for preliminary review.

KJI delegation, informed the court representatives on the developments in the judicial system in Kosovo, especially in the field of training of judges and prosecutors and the KJI efforts to integrate into all training programs the EU Law (Acquis Communautaire) and the practice of the European Court of Justice. 

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