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Sub-module - "Enforcement procedure", fourth session - topic "Legal remedies in the enforcement procedure, return of the employee to work and the procedure of taking and handing over the child"

On May 6, 2021, within the framework of the initial training program for newly appointed judges, the eighth generation (8) is being carried out theoretical training under the module "Enforcement procedure" with trainer Mr. Isa Shala, Bailiff.

Within this topic being treated: Remedies notion and purpose, complaints against irregularities in the enforcement cases, means of extraordinary challenge, enforcement of the decision to return the employee to work, as well as taking and handing over the child.

The training methodology is being applied through practical cases thus dealing with different examples from practice. The training is being carried out physically in the Academy and online as there is also the possibility through the "ZOOM" platform. Beneficiaries of the training are 24 newly appointed judges, two of whom are from the Serb community.

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