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Sub-module on ECHR, session six; Topic: Article 6.1 of the European Convention on Human Rights

June 7 2021, Academy of Justice within its Initial Training Program for the newly appointed judges (generation eight), is conducting a theoretical training from the sub-module on ECHR with trainer Mr. Zyhdi Haziri, Appeals Court Judge.

This training session is elaborating on the following: Article 6.1 – The right to a fair trial, the right for access to justice, independence and impartiality of courts, the right to timely trial, the right for an opened process, the principles of equality of arms, reasoned judgments, and the right not to contribute to self-incrimination.

Training methodology is applying practical cases where judges are able to discuss on the issues that are raised. The training is being held physically at the AJ premises and beneficiaries of the training are the 24 newly appointed judges, two of whom are of the Serbian community.


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