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Training of trainers - Fighting violence against women/ domestic violence – 2

June 15-16 2021, Academy of Justice in cooperation with the Council of Europe Office in Prishtina is conducting Training of Trainer on “Fighting violence against women/ domestic violence – 2”.

This training comes as a result of the preliminary training conducted with judges and prosecutors who deal with cases of domestic violence.

The Training of Trainers which will last two days aims to raise awareness of participants on issues of violence against women / domestic violence as well as to improve their capacity to respond more effectively to these cases, having a more focused approach to victim.

The training will discuss the issues of the Istanbul Convention and the challenges in implementing best practices, the impact of gender stereotypes and myths on the response to criminal justice, the meaning and impact of victimization, etc.

Main objectives of the training are:

  1. Develop a better understanding by participants of the extent and nature of violence against women / domestic violence, the dynamics of such violence, the roots, and concepts of gender equality;
  2. To acquaint the participants with the international standards, especially with the Istanbul Convention and the Laws of Kosovo;
  3. Improve participants' knowledge and skills to adopt a victim-centered approach, ensuring protection for women, empowering the victim, and holding perpetrators accountable.

Beneficiaries of the Training are: Police officers, shelter managers in Kosovo, representatives from NGOs dealing with domestic violence issues, representatives from the Academy of Justice, representatives from the Ombudsperson office, and representatives from the Ministry of Justice.

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