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Understanding the Banking Industry, Insurance and Financial Institutions

On July 15, 2021, the Academy of Justice, in collaboration with Checchi & Company Consulting Inc., as the implementer of the Commercial Justice Program within the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), continued to develop pilot training in commercial law, more precisely on the topic: "Understanding the Banking Industry, Insurance and Financial Institutions"

This training comes as a continuation of the process of recruiting Trainers in the Commercial field, and fulfilling the planned curriculum and pilot trainings.

The purpose of the training is for participants to gain more knowledge about the banking system in Kosovo, legislation, the role of the Central Bank in Kosovo, corporate governance, the licensing process of a bank, etc.

Also will be discussed topics about the loan contract and its specifics, deposit insurance fund, types of insurance, licensing of an insurance company, licensing of a microfinance institution, etc.

Once again the training is being conducted in a hybrid way with present participants and through zoom, always respecting the recommendations of the Ministry of Health and NIPH.

Beneficiaries of the training are: Judges of the Economic department, Judges of the general department-civil division, their professional associates as well as officials of banking and insurance institutions.

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