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Strengthening International Legal Cooperation- International Convention on Child Abduction

From 10-11 February 2014, KJI in cooperation with EU Twinning project delivered the training in relation to the international child abduction.

The purpose of this training was to establish best practices in proper implementation of the national law and international convention in relation to the proceedings in cases of international child abduction.

Basic principles of substantial law on international child abduction were addressed during the training and the basic principles of the proceedings in international child abduction cases, as well as the national specifics of the proceedings in international child abduction cases.

In the second day of this training the participating judges has conducted a mock trial on child abduction cases, at what point they demonstrated their skills on chairing and managing of these proceedings.

Beneficiaries of this training were the judges from Basis Court of Prishtina and judges from Appellate Court that deal with international child abduction cases, as well as professional associates from Basic Court in Prishtina.

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