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Training on “Court defense in working relationship disputes”

On 18 February 2014, the KJI within its Continuous Training Program is holding a training – Court defense in working relationship disputes.

This training aims to help the participants to distinguish the civil servant disputes from other working relationship disputes based on the Labor Law, as well as properly implement provisions of the relevant law assessing the timelines to seek court defense.

Practicing the up-to-date training methodology, the trainers elaborated legal aspects of the working relationship disputes, the applicable legislation in these contests (for civil servants and other working relationship disputes, as well as distinctions between these two types of disputes), causes for termination of the working contract, and court procedure taking place in the contests based on the Labor law.

Also, a part of the training was dedicated to the issue of respecting the timelines for seeking court defense, respectfully the issue of exhausting internal legal remedies in order to be eligible to seek court representation, as well as legal consequences for not respecting the timelines to seek court defense according to the applicable legislation in working relationship dispute cases.  

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of both, the appeals and basic instances, from all regions of Kosovo.


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