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Juvenile Justice Code (TPP)

On March 20 and 21, 2013, KJI in cooperation with UNICEF within the Training Program for Promotion conducted a two-day training from the module “Juvenile Justice Code”.

The purpose of this training was to establish best practices in the proper implementation of standards and the international instruments binding for our country and the provisions dealing with children as witnesses and as injured parties. 
During the first day of training were introduced standards and international instruments such as the conventions, rules, guidelines for juvenile justice, and cases from practice cases in the context of international law as well as the Guidelines of the Council of Europe on children’s justice.
Besides the local juvenile justice trainers in this training was present also an international expert, a lecturer at the American University in Kosovo (AUK) who presented a study on juvenile justice in Kosovo in terms of number of cases, to what extent the diversion measures are applied in the respective regions as well as a special project called “Youth Tribunal” that some countries in the west have. 
On the second day were pointed out topics related children as witnesses and as damaged parties as well as the judicial proceedings in these cases. On the occasion of this training were also used hypothetical examples in which participants had the opportunity to identify the positive and negative sides of criminal proceedings when a child is injured or is a witness to criminal offenses under Chapter XXI of the Code of Juvenile Justice.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors from the Juvenile Department as well as Probation Service Officers, Center for Social Work as well as Kosovo Police Officers.

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