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Advanced Training for Faculty Development – Grounds and Principles for Judicial Trainers

From 24 - 26 February 2014, KJI in cooperation with EROL – USAID, conducted the training on: “Advanced Training for Faculty Development – Grounds and Principles for Judicial Trainers”. This program was conducted by the international trainers with the grate experience on the judicial trainers.

The main objective of this training were the application of modern theories of adult learning, understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the various mechanisms for training needs assessment , identification of effective teaching strategies and the development of training plans .

The beneficiaries of this training had the opportunity to analyze various theories of adult learning, were the main focus was the elaboration of the concepts of informative and the transformative learning - techniques of achieving them. During this training were demonstrated also the teaching methods for adults learning and the techniques of how to learn from experience. The focus was the elaboration of the method of learning cycle of Kolb.

Planning the curriculum and its development were among the topics discussed in this training where beneficiaries through exercises demonstrated different ways of assessing and analyzing their needs. Additionally they focused on providing ideas on topics that may be included in the curriculum of the KJI.

Beneficiaries: Trainers and KJI staff.



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