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Workshop: “Asset confiscation – competence and procedure”

During 3-4 March 2014, the KJI in cooperation with B&S Europe, conducted a two-day training on the topic of “Asset confiscation – competence and procedure”.

Purpose of this training was to develop the judges and prosecutors capacitates in relation to learning and correct interpretation of the legal provisions for determining the profit acquired by criminal offence and tracking of the assets resulting from a criminal offence.

During the training the domestic and international trainers addressed issues related to the regular and extended competencies for confiscation, the procedure for asset identification, freezing and ceasing of assets, as well as the confiscation procedure after the indictment is raised.

Second day of the training specifically addressed the international standards for asset tracing, intelligence planning for tracing of assets, tracing of incomes generated by crime, as well as the mandate of the Financial Intelligence Unit, the integrated financial investigations at the Kosovo Police, as well management of sequestrated and confiscated assets.

The training provided case studies presented in order to avoid problems that occur in practice.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of the basic and appeals instances, as well as special prosecutors.


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