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Strengthening of International Legal Cooperation – Preparation of Nationals in Preparing the International Legal Requests

On 3 up to 6 March 2014, within the activities conducted for judges and prosecutors appointed as focal points in the field of international legal cooperation in Criminal Matters, KJI organized a two days training for two different groups on International Legal Requests.

Issues discussed during this sessions were mainly focused on the fundamental principles and the specifics of the international mutual legal assistance with the special emphasis on the extradition cases, house searching and witness interrogation. During the session were also treated cases of transferring of legal documents, and the German case law followed by explanations regarding the admissible standard criteria’s.

As a result of this training were given the following recommendations: full description of the facts in the application for legal aid, the necessity of creating a separate division within the Ministry of Justice which will review the requests for legal assistance, functioning of the mechanism control for reviewing these requirements in terms of structure, but not the substantial aspect of it and the Legal Assistance Manual regarding bilateral agreements of Kosovo with other states

At the end of these training sessions dedicated to focal points responsible for international legal cooperation was also selected a group of local trainers (judges and prosecutors) who will have the responsibility of providing advices to other judges and prosecutors on how to access and draft memos and requests regarding international legal assistance.

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