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Training and Study Tour in London – England

As a continuation of the project “Strengthening of anti-corruption policies” and the capacity building of strategy in the fight against corruption, prepared by KJI and RIPA International , with the support of the British Embassy in Kosovo from March 25 to March 28 March 2013, was conducted a training program and a study tour in London. 

Objectives of this program were:
1.  Introduction to the management and administration of the criminal justice in England and Wales;
2.  Close overview of the process of investigation, prosecution and trial of corruption cases;
3.  Exploring the possibilities of reducing corruption, especially the public procurement processes

Constituent elements of this program were:
•  The structure and management of the court system in England and Wales;
•  Establishment of ethical values at work and reducing the risk of corruption, especially in the procurement process;
•  Benefits of ethical management of cases;
•  Techniques and principles used by successful investigators of corruption;
•  Key elements of UK legislation regarding bribery;
•  Strategies to increase successful prosecution of perpetrators of criminal acts of corruption;
•  How to investigate and prevent money laundering; and
•  How to seize financial assets of perpetrators of corruption offenses. 

During this program were visited the Magistrates Court and the Crown Court, in which participants took part in several trials. Also were visited the Centre for Public Scrutiny in London, which monitors the implementation of the transparency and accountability of public institutions and the Lambeth borough, where were presented specific procurement procedures and techniques for the avoidance of corrupt actions. 

Participants in this program were KJI trainers (judges, prosecutors) who implement training programs of KJI against corruption and the Chief Prosecutor of Kosovo as well as the Director of KJI.

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