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“Investigation – planning and leading investigation of financial crimes”

On April 17th 2014, the KJI in cooperation with B&S Europe conducted a training on the aforementioned topic.

With an up-to-date teaching approach and use of interactive techniques of training by the international and local trainers, the topics related to the following were elaborated: leading the investigation of financial crimes, preliminary investigation procedure and law enforcement agencies, importance of drafting the investigation plan for financial crimes, investigation techniques, asset tracing, case management as well as efficient use of cooperation and exchange of information between competent authorities – the law enforcement bodies.

Also, with practical cases the participants had the chance to analyze actual methods of financial crimes investigation in Kosovo and discuss about the possibilities for improvement and enhancing such practices.

At the end of the training, participants reached to the conclusion that in order to succeed at the first stages of investigation the following shall take place:

  • Existence of an investigation plan
  • Conduct parallel investigation – investigation of the criminal offence with the financial one, and
  • Have inter-institutional cooperation

Beneficiaries of this training were prosecutors from basic prosecutions and judges from basic courts of all regions of Kosovo, representatives of the Kosovo Police, and Kosovo Customs.

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