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Training and visit of the candidates for judges and prosecutors to the Justice Academy of Turkey

Within the cooperation with the Justice Academy of Turkey, the Kosovo Judicial Institute accomplished the training and study visits program to Turkey. 

This program was conducted during 14 – 19th of April 2014 for the 28 candidates of the fifth generation of Initial Training Program (ITP).  In addition to the candidates, part of this visit were also members of the Program Council, a prosecutor, the KJI Director, and the Acting ITP Head.

Purpose of the visit was a close acquaintance with organization and functioning of the Justice Academy, and with the justice system of Turkey in general.  Also, the candidates had the opportunity to learn about the candidate’s way of recruitment, training duration, as well as training programs taking place at this institution. 

Special focus of the program was on the topic of terrorism and organized crime, methods of prosecuting terrorism and organized crime, terrorism funding sources, investigation and prosecution methods, as well as practical cases from the Turkey court practice.  This training program included also the training on verbal communication skills, discussing the significance of attitude and body language.

Visits were also paid to the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council and to the Sincan Court. Candidates were given the opportunity to visit social, cultural and historical places.

The visit was enabled with the support from the Turkish International Development Agency – TIKA.

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