News and Activities - Archive


“IPA 2012 – Combating organized crime and corruption: Witness Protection (WINPRO II)”

During April 24-25 2014, the KJI in cooperation with NI٠CO conducted a two-day seminar on the topic of “Witness Protection”.

Practicing modern training methodologies and techniques, the trainers elaborated the following topics: witness protection measures and protection of witnesses before, during and after the criminal procedure.

Purpose of this training was to acquaint the participants with International Regulations on Witness Protection, what are measures of witness protection and what is purpose of the legislation in Kosovo. 

A section of this training was dedicated to the group work, elaborating practical cases, which provided the participants the possibility to demonstrate their knowledge and exchange experiences with international trainers about witness categorization.

Beneficiaries of this training were prosecutors of the Special Prosecution, of the Appeals and Basic instances, judges from Basic Courts of all regions of Kosovo, officials from the Kosovo Police, as well as WPD and GIZ officials.


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