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Practical Training on Correctional Center in Lipjan

On 08 May 2014, KJI in cooperation with Correctional Center in Lipjan conducted a practical training for the candidates of the fifth generation of Initial Training Program (ITP).

The purpose of this training was to provide the ITP candidates the knowledge about the activities done in the Correctional Center in Lipjan.

During this training, the candidates gained knowledge about the historical background of the Correctional Center, the structure of the Center, legal basis, the responsibilities of this Center in administrating the dittanies, defendants, juveniles based on the applicable law of Kosovo. Also during this training the participants learned about the benefits of these categories such as: health care, correspondence, information, professional education, their visit, etc.   

After this training, the candidates had the opportunity to visit the insides of Correctional Center as rooms, working places, sport area, cultural activities, mother’s house, kitchen, library, visitor’s room, walking boulevard of prisoners.

Beneficiaries of this practical training were 18 candidates for judges and 9 candidates for prosecutors.

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