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Sub-module - Criminal Code-General part, first session, topic - "The notion and elements of the criminal offense"

On September 20, 2021, in the framework of the initial training program for newly appointed judges, the eighth generation (8) started the implementation of theoretical training in the criminal field,

During the first session will be implemented the sub module "Criminal Code - general part" with trainer Mr. Blerim Isufaj, Chief Prosecutor in the Special Prosecutor of Kosovo. In the framework of this training session will be addressed the following topics: The principle of legality, the most favorable implementation and the bases and limits of criminal sanctions.

The training methodology applied was by handling practical cases as well as the interactive discussions. The training is being carried out in a combined way, in person at the Academy of Justice, implementing all the measures and decisions of the government preventing the COVID-19 virus and through online the platform 'ZOOM.

Beneficiaries of the training are 24 newly appointed judges, two of whom are from the Serb community.

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