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Training: “Cross-border investigations on corruption and organized crime cases: the Law on International Judicial Co-operation in Criminal Matters

Training: “Cross-border investigations on corruption and organized crime cases: the Law on International Judicial Co-operation in Criminal Matters: Human trafficking in the context of organized crime”

On March 28-29, 2013, KJI in cooperation with the project “Fight against Oganized Crime and Corruption, Strengthening the Prosecutors Network”, funded by the European Commission and the German Government and implemented by GIZ and CILC has conducted a two-day training on the above mentioned topic.
The main purpose of this training was to establish best practices in terms of international legal assistance in criminal matters, with particular emphasis on cases of corruption and organized crime.
This roundtable was addressed the law on international judicial cooperation in criminal matters (Law no. 04/L-31), there was a presentation of the Kosovo legal framework for international legal cooperation and international agreements concluded so far. The training was followed with discussion of practical cases and there were mutual experiences exchanged between relevant institutions.

The beneficiaries of this training were: prosecutors and professional associates from the Kosovo Special Prosecution Office, judges from the Basic Court - serious crimes department, senior officials from ILECU and Kosovo police, legal officials from the Ministry of Justice and heads of the Investigations unit from the Kosovo Customs.

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