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2014 HELP Network Conference

On 16 and 17 of June 2014 at the Council of Europe Headquarters in Strasbourg, France was organised a conference of the European programme for Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (HELP). This conference was funded by the Human Rights Trust Fund.

The theme of the conference was “From good training to good judgments, challenges, methodologies and perspectives”

The purpose of this conference was to provide a forum for discussion between representatives of National Training institutions and Bar Associations of the 47 members of the Council of Europe on ways to enhance results of training on the European Convention on Human Rights for legal professionals and haw to promote concrete and effective cooperation among all institutions concerned.

This conference was attended by around 150 participants; including Kosovo Judicial Institute which was represented through its director as observer member of the HELP as for the simple reason that Kosovo is not yet a member of the Council of Europe.

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