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Training on Trainers against Discrimination

On 08 November 2021, the Academy of Justice in cooperation with the OSCE, is developing a Training on Trainers in Discrimination field.

The purpose of this training of trainers is to advance training capacities of the Academy of Justice and also to develop professional capacities of judges them knowledge on principals and legal concepts on discrimination, comparable aspects of national and international legislation, the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, etc. 

During the training which duration is three days, will be also addressed sexual harassment, hate speech, negative stereotypes, victimization and its definitions according to EU Law.

The Training of Trainers objectives are that at the end of this training participants will be able to:

  1. Understand the elements of different laws on discrimination;
  2. Explain differences and similarities between different laws of equal treatment;
  3. Identify responsible bodies for addressing discrimination matters;
  4. Know how to apply proper sanctions in discrimination cases.

Trainers of this event will be International expert Ms. Margarita Ilieva.

Beneficiaries of this training are judges of basic and appellate level.

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