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Training “Criminal offences committed by minor and adult”

On June 17 2014, KJI held training on the topic of “Criminal offences committed in cooperation by the juvenile and adult”.

Purpose of this training was to learn identification of principles for distinction of the procedure when the minor commits an offence in cooperation with an adult, to learn implementing joint procedure in cases when the Code for Juvenile Justice and the Criminal Procedure Code are applied, as well as to analyze the form of decisions brought for joining the procedure, and decisions in the joint procedure.

The training discussed issues that are related to the form of decision when the procedure is joined, how to act when there is this type of procedure, how to apply legal provisions in the joint procedure with adult, as well as features of ruling in the joint procedure.

Training was followed with case studies from the court case law that were aiming to support judges and prosecutors in solving practical dilemmas, in order to reach to more efficient solution in cases of joint procedure.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic instance from different regions of Kosovo, and two legal professional associates.

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