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Training “Administrative Conflict”

On 19 June 2014, KJI conducted a training on: “Administrative Conflict”. The purpose of this training was to enhance the knowledge of the judges regarding the lawsuits, judgments and legal remedies of the administrative conflict

Issues that were treated during this training were related to person entitled to initiate an administrative lawsuit, which person can be sued in an administrative conflict and who can be the third person. Special emphasis during the training was paid to the elaboration of the provisions of the Law on Courts of Republic of Kosovo No.03/L-199, regarding the jurisdiction ruling on administrative issues, and the role of the Pristina Basic Court-Department of administrative matters, Court of Appeal and Kosovo Supreme Court.

Through hypothetical cases but also through interactive discussions, participants were engaged in solving practical cases presented during the respective training.

Beneficiaries of this training were Basic Court judges from different regions of Kosovo and a judges of the Appeal Court.

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