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November 11 2021, Managing Board of the Academy of Justice conducted an extraordinary meeting to discuss the issue of the Law related to the Rationalization of the Academy of Justice.  The Meeting was led by Chairman of the Managing Board, Mr. Vaton Durguti, who at the same time is Head of the Special Department in the Appeals Court.

Members of the Managing Board in this meeting expressed their concerns on latest developments reported in the media for amendment and supplementation of the Law related to the Rationalization and Establishment of Accountability Lines of Independent Agencies, approved by the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, with Decision No. 03/42 dated 27.10.2021, which includes also amendment and supplementation of the Law No. 05/L-095 on the Academy of Justice.

Members of the Academy of Justice’s Managing Board, unanimously stated that the Managing Board remains committed to cooperation that it has with the Ministry of Justice and the relevant international institutions in Kosovo, with the already commenced initiative to design a concept document for amending and supplementing the Law on the Academy of Justice. We remind that, upon the Academy’s request, Ministry of Justice on June 25 2021, constituting of representatives of the AJ, KJC, KPC, MoJ and the civil society, has already started designing a concept document aiming empowerment of the Academy of Justice in fulfillment of its mission and legal mandate.  Therefore, in this light the Managing Board strongly stands for preservation of institutional independence, as a precondition for development, promotion and increase of professionalism of judges, prosecutors and other legal professionals in the judicial system of the Republic of Kosovo.

At the conclusion of this meeting, members of the Managing Board agreed that President of the Supreme Court, Mr. Enver Peci who is at the same time member of the AJ Managing Board, to convene a joint meeting with stakeholders of the justice system, including the Judicial Council, the Prosecutorial Council, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the President of the Committee for Legislation, Mandate, Immunities, and the Parliament Regulation on Supervision of the Anti-Corruption Agency, to agree on a common stand on the raised issues.

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