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ECHR in cases of discrimination, including the Law on Protection against Discrimination of the Republic of Kosovo and its correlation with other laws with emphasis on the Labor Law and the Law on Contested Procedure

December 9-10 2021, Academy of Justice within its Continuous Training Program is conducting an online training via zoom platform on the following topic “ECHR in cases of discrimination, including the Law on Protection against Discrimination of the Republic of Kosovo and its correlation with other laws with emphasis on the Labor Law and the Law on Contested Procedure”.

Trainers engaged in this activity are Mr. Rafet Haxhaj, judge in the Appeals Court and Mrs. Shpresa Emra, judge in the Basic Court in Prizren.

The purpose of this training is to extend the participant’s knowledge about the legal provisions related to discrimination cases.

Combined methods will be used during the training, including theoretical explanations followed by examples from court practice.

Beneficiaries of this training are: Judges from the Civil, Criminal and Administrative Department of the Supreme, Appeal and Basic level, prosecutors, professional associates and lawyers.

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