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Practical training – Public Procurement Regulatory Commission

On July 10th2014, the Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with the Public Procurement Regulatory Commission conducted a practical training for the fifth generation of candidates for judges and prosecutors (ITP).

Purpose of this training was that candidates for judges and prosecutors who attend the ITP, are provided with knowledge about the work and activities of the Public Procurement Regulatory Commission, which would serve them in their future practice and reach manifold aims like improvement of the work quality, increase of cooperation among judges and prosecutors on one hand, and the Public Procurement Regulatory commission on the other.

Issues discussed during the training were the legislation of public procurement in Kosovo, public procurement institutions – their role and functioning, procurement procedures, tender dossier, public opening and assessment of offers, corruption in public procurement, as well as other issues of interest to the candidates.

The training was conducted in questions and answers forms, in form of conversation and in the afternoon the candidates elaborated cases from the PPRC practice.

Participants at this training were 17 candidates for judges and 10 candidates for prosecutors.

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