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“International crimes containing elements of sexual violence and torture: War crimes, Crimes against humanity and Genocide”

During 7-9 July 2014, the KJI in cooperation with UN Women organized two training sessions on the topic of International crimes containing elements of sexual violence and torture: War crimes, Crimes against humanity and Genocide. The first three-day session was dedicated to representatives of justice bodies who have professional experience on crimes of sexual violence during the war, while the second session was dedicated to representatives of civil society.

This training aimed to increase professional capacities of participants in prosecuting and trial of cases of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, with the focus on sexual violence elements.

During the training its was discussed about issues related to investigation of violence cases according to international criminal law, obstacles and challenges in the investigation phase and in the phase of evidence collection and trial.

Participants at this training discussed about the case law emphasizing the following: use of evidence, their definition according to categories and selection of targets, building a case and use of witnesses.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of national level and international judges and prosecutors (EULEX), Investigation department police, officials from the War Crimes Institute, Representatives of the Council for Protection of Human Rights and Liberties, Victim advocates and civil society representatives.

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