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Training of ITP candidates on E-Learning platform “Information technology” module

On 14th of August 2014, the KJI conducted a training provided to candidates for judges and prosecutors related to the distance learning platform (e-learning).

Main goals of this training were: acquaintance with the distance learning platform – way of functioning and its application in practice, as well as accomplishment of the information technology module within this platform.

Beforehand, candidates for judges and prosecutors were registered in this platform, which enabled them to make practical demonstrations during the training.

Candidates had the opportunity to make practical actions through brief presentations, learn about the way of access to training courses, searching materials for respective courses, communication in forums and other opportunities that the distance learning platform provides.

Furthermore, during elaboration of the information technology module, the focus was on the use of Office programs like: Word, Outlook and Power Point.

Beneficiaries of this training were candidates for judges and prosecutors of the Initial Training Program – fifth generation

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