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Practical Training program for Future Judges and Prosecutors Candidates

Kosovo Judicial Institute in the framework of international cooperation through the EU-funded project "Further Support to the Reform of Legal Education in Kosovo" from 21-27 September 2014 has conducted practical training program for a third group of fifth generation candidates of the Initial Training Program (ITP), at the Council of Europe and European Court of Human Rights, and in Courts and Public Prosecution offices of Germany and France.

The purpose of the program was gaining experience and professional skills of practicing judicial and prosecutorial system of France and Germany, and transferring the gained knowledge to future work on the court and the prosecutor offices of Kosovo. Through this program also aimed to increase the efficiency of the courts and prosecutors in Kosovo.

On this occasion, candidates were introduced with the functioning of judicial and prosecutorial organization system of Germany and France, the competencies, structure, management of courts and prosecutors' offices, the structure and composition of the Council of Europe and its institutions as well as the European Court of Human Rights.

The candidates also had the opportunity to attend several court hearings at the European Court of Human Rights. 

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