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International Legal Cooperation Cross border operations with modern assessment methods

During September 25 – 26th 2014, the KJI in cooperation with the EU Twining Project conducted a training sessions for Prosecutors of Special Prosecution of Kosovo related to “Cross border operations with modern assessment methods”.

Focus of this training was drafting of outgoing requests for international legal assistance and basic training of the SPRK’s Prosecutors. 

This training session aimed to train the prosecutors on basic principles of international legal cooperation with particular emphasis on organized crime and financial crime matters, basic principles and the specifics of telephone surveillance, as well as principles pertaining to covert investigations.

At this training, the SPRK prosecutors had the opportunity to present to the international experts their challenges they face in practice, whether for the incoming or outgoing ILC requests.

Beneficiaries of this training were Prosecutors of the Special Prosecution of the Republic of Kosovo. 

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