News and Activities - Archive


Training of Trainers on International Legal Cooperation in Criminal Matters

On September 30th 2014, the KJI in cooperation with the EU Twining Project conducted a last Training of Trainers in the series of trainings provided on International Legal Cooperation in Criminal Matters. 

Purpose of this training was to prepare the local trainers in this area and transfer of knowledge and of best practices in international legal cooperation to other judges and prosecutors. 

This training which is a continuation of previous activities, discussed the Manual and the Guideline on ILC, as well as training needs of other judges and prosecutors in the ILC area. Experts recommended that training curriculum is an integral part of the KJI training programs, and they encouraged the local trainers to carry the best practices to other judges and prosecutors.

Beneficiaries of this training were the selected group of judges and prosecutors as future KJI Trainers on International Legal Cooperation.  

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