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Measures for ensuring the presence of the defendant in the criminal procedure

On 30 September 2014, Kosovo Judicial Institute conducted a training on: “Measures for ensuring the presence of the defendant in the criminal procedure”.

This training aimed to help participants to assess properly detention conditions, analyze other measures to ensure the presence of the defendant in criminal proceedings, and argue persuasively the decision on implementation of measures to ensure the presence of the defendants in criminal proceedings.

In the first part of this training were discussed issues relating to detention, decision on issuing the measure starting from basic principles, the specific legal justification for detention and why other measures are insufficient for insuring the presence of the defendant. During the training was also discussed regarding the current judicial practices in Kosovo by comparing them with the European Court on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

Part of this training was conducted in working groups, where the participants had the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and exchange experiences through practical cases and best practices on this regard.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of the serious and general department.

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