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Investigation of money laundry

On October 28th 2014, KJI in cooperation with the EU Office Project in Prishtina, the B&S Europe conducted training on “Investigation of money laundry”.

This training’s aim was to increase the judges and prosecutor’s professional capacities as well as of other professionals to work on cases of money laundry investigation. The training will also help them to draft the investigation plan of a money laundry criminal offence, identify relevant evidence of money laundry and to argue the evidence in judicial proceeding in cases of money laundry.

Trainers - representing different institutions that combat this occurrence were engaged as faculties, like the Kosovo Police – Commercial Crimes Department, Financial Intelligence Unit and Special Prosecution.

This training session discussed issues pertaining to general concepts of money laundry, planning and implementation of investigation plan, the process of ensuring and administering evidence in cases of money laundry.

The training was delivered in interactive methods where the participants had the possibility to exchange experiences and discuss issues they face in judicial practice.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of Basic instance.

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