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Implementation of the European Convention on Human rights, and Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights

Today, December 14 2021, Academy of Justice in cooperation with OSCE is conducting a training on Implementation of the European Convention on Human rights, and Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights.

This two-days training aims to acquaint the beneficiaries related to the European Convention on Human Rights, which will present practical study-cases.

During the training, the mechanisms for the implementation of the Convention will be discussed, and in particular Articles 22 and 53 of the Convention, for which practical case studies will be presented.

Principles of interpretation of the Convention (proportionality and limitation of evaluation), the impact of international civil and private law on the Convention, etc. will also be addressed.

The training is hybrid, with participants present in person and those accessing via the ZOOM platform, always respecting the measures and recommendations of the Ministry of Health and NIPH for distance to fight and prevent the COVID-19 virus.

Beneficiaries of this training are Judges and Prosecutors from the Courts and Basic Prosecution Offices.

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