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Minor offences in the area of public order and safety – legal remedies

On October 31st 2014, the Kosovo Judicial Institute organized training for judges of the Minor offence Division on the topic of “Minor offences in the area of public order and safety – legal remedies”.

Focus of this training were issues related to offences against public order and safety, first instance court competencies and remedies, neglecting legal orders and request for repetition of the procedure.

Purpose of this training was to contribute to the increase of professional skills of judges and to help them identify essential elements of minor offences against public order and safety, distinguish qualifying elements of public place and non public place, as well as analyze the procedure that shall be adhered to after application of legal remedies on which the first instance may decide.

The training was conducted in form of discussion where judges could work on practical cases based on which they expressed their challenges and issues they face with.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of the minor offence division.

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