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Study visit of representatives of the judiciary, the Ombudsman Institution and the National Preventive Mechanism of Kosovo

From 13 to 14 December 2021, in Strasbourg, France, with the support of the Council of Europe project "Strengthening institutions in the fight against torture, ill-treatment and other degrading treatment", a study visit was held at the Council of Europe, including European Court of Human Rights.

The purpose of the visit was to provide participants the opportunity to better understand the functioning of the Council of Europe, the European Court of Human Rights and other monitoring bodies such as the European Committee for Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT).

During this visit, participants had the opportunity to hear various presentations and discuss the interpretation of the European Convention on Human Rights at the national level, challenges and issues related to the implementation of ECtHR decisions, including good practice in Southeast Europe, as well as cooperation with CoE member states in the fight against torture and in support of the criminal justice system. The impact of the pandemic and the lessons of COVID-19 on the digital transformation of the judiciary were also highlighted. While, at the end of these two-day discussions, the Ambassador at the General Consulate of Kosovo in Strasbourg, Mimoza Ahmetaj, gave an overview of cooperation and technical activities between the Council of Europe and Kosovo.

Participants in this study visit were: The President of the Supreme Court of Kosovo, the Chairman of the Kosovo Judicial Council, the Executive Director of the Academy of Justice, representatives from the Institution of the People's Advocate and the National Preventive Mechanism of Kosovo.

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