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Decisions in judicial proceedings against juveniles

On 4 November 2014, Kosovo Judicial Institute conducted training for juvenile judges and prosecutors on: "Decisions in judicial proceedings against a minor"

This training aimed to contribute in professional development of juveniles judges and prosecutors and assist them to distinguish cases when the preparatory proceeding decision is to be made by the prosecutor and when by the juvenile judge, analyze the reasoning of decisions taken after the main hearing and to draft properly decisions regarding the modification of the measure imposed after the final judgment.

In the first part of this training were discussed topics dealing with prosecutor’s decisions and orders, decisions taken after receipt of the criminal report, ruling to dismiss a decision and judge’s decisions in juvenile proceeding.

Second part of the training focused on the decisions taken at the trial and after it, decisions of the panel, conjunction of the juvenile proceedings with the adult one, assessment of the evidence concerning the personality of the child, the prosecutor's proposals etc.

During this part, participants were divided into working groups where they had to work on a practical case assigned by trainers.

Beneficiaries of this training were juvenile judges and prosecutors of basic level.

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