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Forms of exploitation of the victims in cases of trafficking in human beings

Kosovo Judicial Institute, conducted training for judges and prosecutors on the topic of “Forms of exploitation of the victims in cases of trafficking in human beings”, that took place on November 11th 2014.

This training focused on subjects that are related to exploitation for purposes of prostitution and sexual services, pornography, begging, services or forced labor, or for the purpose of body organs or cell removal, etc.

This training was organized with the aim to serve to participants in identification of exploitation forms in human trafficking cases, distinguishing forms of exploitation of trafficking victims, correct application of CPCK provisions and of the Law on Preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting victims of trafficking.

During this training participants discussed on challenges they face in case law. In this light, the participants at the last training session were divided into groups and were assigned to solve practical cases.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic instance and of the appellate Court – both, general and the serious crimes departments.

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