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Implementation of the Law on Personal Data Protection and administrative and judicial protection of personal rights, as well as the Law on Public Access and the procedure for exercising the rights of access to information

On May 17 2022, Academy of Justice within the Continuous Training Program is conducting a training on the following topic “Implementation of the Law on Personal Data Protection and administrative and judicial protection of personal rights, as well as the Law on Public Access and the procedure for exercising the rights of access to information.

Trainers engaged for this activity are Mr. Jeton Arifi, Director in the Access for Public Documents Department, and Mr. Valon Kryeziu, Director at the Personal Data Protection Department of the Information and Privacy Agency. 

Training methodology is combination of theoretical explanations and interactive discussion on the presented practical cases.

Beneficiaries of this training are judges of the administrative department within the Prishtina Basic Court, and of the Appeals Court, officials of the National Information and Privacy Agency and other state bodies.

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