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CTP Roundtable Discussion – “Novelties of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Kosovo”

On April 17, 2013, KJI held a roundtable discussion on the topic “Novelties of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
The roundtable was organized in order to give the opportunity to judges and prosecutors to get acquainted with the comments and recommendations of the working group committed to identify the novelties and problems regarding the application of the CCPK, with the purpose of the best implementation of its provisions. Participants at this training welcomed the explanations and comments of the working group and raised discussions regarding issues that are encountered in the practical application of CCPK and received additional information from experts who were part of the working group for the CCPK.
Participants at this training were judges and prosecutors from the Serious Crime Department, General Department and the Juvenile Department of the Basic Courts and Basic Prosecution Offices.. 

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