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Training on functions of the National Agency for personal Data Protection

On December 18th 2014, the KJI in cooperation with the National Agency for Personal Data Protection conducted practical training for the candidates of the Initial Training Program – 5th generation.

Purpose of this practical training was that candidates for judges and prosecutors who attend trainings in ITP, are provided the knowledge about functions, work and activities of the National Agency for Personal Data Protection, which would serve them in their future profession, on improvement of work quality and increase of cooperation between judges and prosecutors on one hand, and the National Agency for Personal Data Protection on the other.

National supervisors at the NAPDP acquainted the candidates with the local and international legislation, as well as the court’s case law in the area of personal data protection, on the fact on what comprises the personal data and what are sensitive data, personal data processing, personal data principles, the power of information technology and its impact on the dignity of the data subject.

The candidates were also informed with the role of national supervisors on inspection and direct control of legitimacy of personal data processing.

The training was conducted in conversation mode and delivered practical cases where the candidates worked on cases from the ECHR case law on protection of privacy.

Participants at the training were 16 candidates for judges and 10 candidates for prosecutors.


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