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Training on functioning of Mediation Committee

On 16 December 2014, Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with mediation commission conducted practical training for Initial Training Program fifth generation candidates.

The purpose of the training was to provide knowledge to ITP candidates for judges and prosecutors on the work and activities of the mediation committee, in which case the knowledge gained from this institution will serve them in the future professional practice, in improving the quality of work and increasing cooperation between judges and prosecutors as well as between Mediation Committee.

During the training, members of the Mediation Committee informed the candidates about the origin and flow of mediation, tradition and contemporary-law in Kosovo, presenting referral procedure in civil, criminal and juvenile cases and the form and content and agreement act.

The training was developed through questions and answers, interactively and through working groups treating practical cases of the Mediation Committee.

Participants in the training were: 16 candidates for judges position and 11 for the prosecutors position.

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